Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Inner Earth Civilizations exist and I can prove it

 Lemurian Gardens


The earth is hollow -

The earth is connected by a series of subterranean cave systems which center at the north pole where a small circular gap can be found leading to inner earth

 Even global airline routes are made to avoid the north pole

But why is there such a fuss around the north pole and the myths concerning it?

The US military is fully aware of hollow earth and in 1946 they sent Admiral Richard E Byrd to the south pole to destroy the alleged nazi base which was set up there

When Admiral Byrd got to the poles he was shocked to find that beneath the ice there was a series of subterranean cave systems which convexed at one point

At this point there was a clearing and when Admiral Byrd flew his fighter plane through this clearing he was shocked to find himself in a mysterious land

Many world groups carry myths of this mysterious land beyond the poles, known by Tibetan Monks as Agartha, Shambhala, or simply inner earth

As for the beings that allegedly reside in subterranean cities inside the earth, they are also shrouded in as much mystery as Agartha itself

Allegedly some of the antarctic nazi fleet made it inside the Polar Opening to Hollow Earth




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